Half full... Half empty...

I painted this after a little turmoil in my life that made me stop and think... I could see the same situation differently... depending on my attitude... Half full, half empty... but I chose to believe my cup runneth over, my life's been filled with all sorts of stuff, good, bad, sad, funny, scary, tiring, energizing... but in the end... we all eat sleep drink and breath underneath that same old SUPER moon!!! I thank God for ALL!!! This painting was a small picture but for me is a big picture in my life, so this one has personal and deeper meaning for me. This painting reflects my gratitude for ALL things in life no matter how small, big, good, bad, ugly, or even insignificant things may appear. (By the way... Looks like I forgot to add a tiny little detail... poor little kitty... has no wiskers!!! Oh my!)

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